Thursday, November 26, 2009


Thanksgiving it can be a Gluten Free dream or nightmare!

For many many years I have always done the turkey...Aarons Glatt Kosher FRESH turkey from Trader Joe's is the only turkey I use.I make a clarified herb infused butter and blend that with a white wine reduction infused with garlic and shallots. This I inject into the turkey so that it is self basting.

Then it is the stuffing....chopping up everything takes 2/3 of your adult life! Then I had an "epiphany" the salad bar has everything I need! Already prepped and I can buy just what I need!!! Wa-La so I called my local Whole Foods and asked what time they open and when they put out the salad bar. I went first thing and bought all I needed by the pound..all sliced washed and partially chopped or sliced. That saves me 2 hours in the kitchen. I buy a Gluten free bread a rice or a tapioca loaf and slice it into cubes. Then dry it out in the oven.
I mix all the chopped vegetables and the stuffing and add some extra secret ingredients and stuff the turkey.

It is fantastic! I also make a gravy with cornstarch as the thickener for the gravy. I reserve a bit of the white wine reduction that I infused with garlic and shallots to add to the gravy.

Another Fabulous Thanksgiving...Gluten Free and delicious.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Turkety was fantastic and the folks who usually avoid gravy devoured it! We loved it all!!!
What an EXCEPTIONAl meal! I did not even know that the stuffing wqas Gluten free!